Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life and looking your absolute best is paramount. At skinInspire, we understand the significance of this occasion and are here to help you achieve a radiant, flawless look that will leave you glowing with confidence. Under the expert guidance of Nurse Annie Coles and our dedicated team of skin specialists, we offer personalised bridal and pre-wedding aesthetic treatments tailored specifically for brides, grooms, mothers of the bride and other members of the wedding party.
“I first visited SkinInspire in 2020 for advice and help with my skin, in preparation for my wedding day. For many years I suffered with acne which had left me with sore and scarred skin. After my first consultation, Annie provided me with advice and a skin care plan that included treatments and routines that was personalised to my skin. After consistently using Clenziderm alongside treatments including the skin pen, I could see a positive difference in my skin.
Throughout my two year journey I cannot thank Annie enough for her professional knowledge, reassurance and care. She gave me hope that I hadn’t had before and two years later, my skin has never been better! My aim was to feel happy and confident in my own skin for my wedding day in August 2022, and thanks to Annie I felt just that. Thank you x”
“I asked Annie and the girls to brighten up my skin and help me look less tired and where possible reduce fine lines on my face. I’m afraid I didn’t give the team a lot of time but they worked miracles and I felt fresh and glowy on my daughter’s wedding day. I received lots of compliments. I also turned 60 four days before the wedding day. Gave me a real boost. Thank you.”
“I had been rather nervous about getting a facial treatment done before my upcoming wedding and after a long time looking at reviews, I decided to go with SkinInspire: Annie and her team. I couldn’t have made a better decision! From the moment I met Annie, she made me feel at ease. She talked me through a clear treatment plan and explained the process behind everything. Over the course of 9 months I had several treatments and I was so happy with my results.
On my wedding day, Annie and the team made sure that I looked my best. It had a huge impact on me and my self confidence, and it’s because of that that I’m still going back to SKININSPIRE. Annie’s honesty, understanding of your needs bad medical expertise are fantastic and I have recommended SKININSPIRE to my family and friends because I know they will be in fantastic hands!”
So about me, I started my journey as a 40yr old male, no previous skincare regime, happy with soap and water for face. In terms of other products I’ll wear suncream when on holiday or if sitting outside in the sun for large periods of time, moisturise hands in winter as they often dry out and crack when gets really cold. No personal grooming other than weekly/fortnightly (depending on if I could be bothered) self cutting of hair and running the hair clippers over my face. I’m not overly conscious of how I look other than before holidays when particular aware of how will look in photos especially with top off. I don’t go to the gym but I consider myself quite active all year round with walking, running and cycling. To put this into context this is somewhat of a mini obsession as I’m competitive (even if it’s just with myself) so when I say I’m active we’re looking at an average of 100km walking per month, 100km running and 400km cycling (cycling weather dependent). As well as the main event of the wedding in October with wedding reception in November, I also had a fitness goal of being in shape for the Great North Run in September and the Luton half marathon 10 days before the wedding.
When I was told of the grooms package at SkinInspire I do have to confess I thought this is not going to be for me, I can follow instructions and routines but never considered true male grooming like what some of my friends do but as it was for the wedding I remained open minded going into the initial consultation with Annie. What follows is the journey from consulation to the end…
Automatically felt at ease when I arrived at the salon. I had heard about Annie and seen pictures but never had never met her in person so this was going to 2 challenges in one day. Me and my fiancée talked about our skincare routine (see above mine was very short talk), then we filled out the questionnaire on the iPad where Annie was able to fully explain any sections I wasn’t sure of but ultimately the answer was no, I don’t do that currently or I don’t have any medical conditions that would impact. Annie then went to explain to each of us what she thought would be the most beneficial for us and asked for our additional input. I’d never paid too much attention to the lump on my nose, it had been there for a while and I considered it as part of the facial furniture. Annie suggested we look to remove and explained it was a Milia and that with a quick Cryopen session it would be gone, my skin composition was explained and we discussed the Rosacea on the side of my face (I’d never noticed this). We agreed on a number of things that would be done:
Annie then talked about sending me a personalised skincare plan to compliment the treatments. This was explained would ensure that I got the maximum from the sessions with the team but was actually ultimately good for me as I should be wearing SPF all year around to protect my skin and that using proper products can give a natural boost to my skin.
I left feeling rather excited about the different treatments that were lined up and determined to follow the advice and embrace the skincare regime I would be sent to make sure I got the most out of it, after all, Annie and the team were putting a lot of time into this so it felt only right to do my bit.
I semi knew what to expect with this (or so I thought) after having a skin tag removed a few years ago on my back. Since the consulation I was more aware of my nose so in a way was glad it was going, the only small concern was a work trip coming up the following week and I didn’t really relish the prospect of an inflamed area on my nose.
I arrived at the clinic and was seen straight away by Annie, she offered the option of feeling the cold of the pen before treatment to allow me to know what to expect. I took her up on the offer and have to say it didn’t feel as cold as I’d imagined in my head. The treatment took seconds and was over without me even realising. The area didn’t become anymore noticeable following treatment, the white ‘lump’ turned a bit pink so it blended in more with my face actually and within a few weeks it had gone completely. I still touch my nose area remembering where it once was and still get surprised it had gone. My partner was just as impressed even if it did give her one less thing to comment on 😊
I definitely thought not for me but how I was wrong. These were not only relaxing (especially coupled with the Slimtronix) but my skin looked and felt so much better as a result. Aman is great about talking you through the process, explaining the techniques and making you feel relaxed throughout. I preferred the hydro facial over the microneedling, partly because it was satisfying at the end to visibly see what had come off my face and into the container following the hydro facial. It was also certainly a lot more comfy throughout, however to be clear the microneedling I wouldn’t describe as painful.
I made 2 mistakes during the treatment, the first was not starting with my skincare regime as early as I should of and second was not having a clean shave before the facials, so it did reduce the maximum effect I could get but I know that for future. Yes I would definitely go back in the future for a pamper.
By far my favourite treatment, getting into the big sleeping bag was very comfy and despite the noise of the machine I was always able to switch off mentally and have a little sleep. I had it combined with a facial which added to the relaxed feeling. It also seemed to be a good recovery treatment following Great North Run and Luton Half Marathon.
Laser Hair Removal – Back
I’ve always been hairy since a teenager and my back especially has good coverage. It’s the one area I would look to “tidy up” before a holiday, mainly to stop the (now) wife complaining about the suncream getting caught up in it when she applied for me, ha.
The process was really simple, pre-treatment shaving of the entire back, top of shoulders and just below neck either ideally on the morning of treatment day or the night before if struggling with time. Even if a couple of bits were missed, Tilly did a quick tidy up before getting me into a relaxed position laying down on the bed.
The treatment took a good 40mins, but it seemed to go really quick, sometimes was hard not to laugh as my tickly sides were being done, however I managed not to squirm too much. The change is noticeable straight away, especially once clothing goes back on.
Post-treatment exfoliation is a must to get the best results in between the 6 weeks between treatment I didn’t do a midway shave after 1st session, but did after the 2nd time and certainly noticed there was a slow down in the growth of new hair.
I was really happy with the results of the treatment and was amazed how effective it was.
The treatment I eventually learnt to like, but it took a while I won’t lie. Describing this one is hard too, the machine makes the muscles contract as it’s passed over. It looks like you are having an ultra-sound but with an added kick. I had this on my tummy only and during the 1st session, I did have to ask for the machine to be turned down as the muscles were contracting so much it began to feel uncomfy, this also proved to be an ongoing joke about how easy my body reacted to anything. Afterwards I was definitely tender for a few days across my middle but this was perfectly normal.
For the second treatment though, knowing what was to come did really help. I managed to ‘survive’ the session and mentally block out the contracting that was going on by talking non stop to Tilly who was very patient and always checking if I was okay and if I needed the machine adjusted or not. There wasn’t as much tenderness when exercising afterwards and within 24hrs there was no discomfort at all.
The subsequent sessions became a lot easier to handle and as the frequency was turned up, as did my resilience to noticing the jolts. I found that from the third session, I could even exercise a few hours after without there being any tenderness.
The key I found was not to think about the time left, certainly when I knew there was only 2mins to go, it felt a lot longer that way. Also finding a common ground topic of Lego with Tilly was a welcome distraction 😊.
From a results point of view I noticed a difference with my tummy area tightening up with the combination of the treatment, eating better and the exercise. It definitely boosted my confidence and I would say it was well worth the initial discomfort.
Nose Waxing
This was a ‘bonus’ treatment one night from Annie when I went to pick the children up from the clinic. I think it was only to see my reaction after my partner earlier in the evening and to show my low pain threshold (well that was the plan anyway).
The process was very quick, wax warmed up, stick up the nose, rolled around and when ready pulled out leaving a nice clear nose. Did it hurt, not at all, it feels very strange with the nose blocked but it’s over nice and quick unless it doesn’t want to come out straight away as so happened on the 2nd nostril. If feels amazing afterwards not having the nose hair there and does make such a difference. Another one I would have done again.
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole package and certainly have been converted into the world of beauty and self-care. I’ve definitely learnt a lot about how to take care of myself and the differences between high street products and the products recommended in the initial consultation that were sourced from GetHarley.
The whole team at SkinInspire were great throughout, making you feel totally at ease and they were all so warm and welcoming. The knowledge they have and how they explain the treatment process and detail the aftercare really helps engage you.
I was really impressed with the results and so happy with the treatments that were chosen for me. I look forward to going back there in the future.
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